Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

A Happening Place

Grinnell is a happening place this weekend. There is so much on the calendar including the Grinnell-Newburg homecoming parade, Grinnell College Family Weekend, the fly-in/drive-in breakfast, the Raku workshop and much more. 
I once had someone new to small town life tell me that Grinnell felt like the epitome of a classic small town during the homecoming parade. With all of the kids running around, cheerleaders cheering, crowd dressed in orange and black, and floats winding through the streets, it really is an exciting night to be in downtown Grinnell. The sidewalks are flooded with people and kids pour onto the street to wave and collect candy as floats pass them by. And the event wouldn't be complete without the pep rally, food, and farmers market all in Central Park. We'll meet you downtown for the parade tonight, which begins at 5:30
An estimated 750 visitors will be here this weekend for Family Weekend. Please make an extra effort to say 'hi' when passing people on the sidewalks and to welcome all of these visitors to our community. It's weekends like these when we really feel the effects of being a college town, when we have a substantial number of visitors filling our hotel rooms, visiting our stores, and dining at our restaurants. This visitor activity is fantastic because it brings in dollars from outside the community, which will then circulate within our city many times over. 
We look forward to a fun weekend of activity! Go Tigers!
~Emily Counts
09/25/2015 3:43 PM |Add a comment
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