Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Did You Get Stuck Too?


Well, we got a big taste of Iowa winter on Monday! I wish I knew how many trucks of snow were hauled out of downtown the last couple days! That would be an interested number to know (although I'll admit it probably wouldn't be helpful in recruiting new residents). 

While so many of us are taking it easy and using up some vacation time last week and this week, I am very thankful to all of the people who have been working hard to dig us out of the snow. Thank you to everyone who bundles up and removes snow in our community. And a huge thank you to the City of Grinnell crew for working hard to clear off the streets.

It's days like Monday where I'm thankful I live in a small community where people genuinely care. My little car got stuck twice Monday night, nothing major but enough snow under my tires to prevent me from moving. Both times people who barely knew me stopped to give me a push. Thank you!

Speaking of snow, I'm working on a blog post and need your help: Where are the best places to go sledding in town? Hit reply and let me know, would you?

Happy new year!

~ Emily Counts

12/30/2015 4:50 PM |Add a comment
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