Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Now Open

Now Open

The Grinnell Farmers Market officially opened at 3:00 today! It always feels like summer is just around the corner when the market season starts up. The Farmers Market is in its usual location along Central Park and will be on Thursdays from 3 to 6 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to noon. The market has it's own web page this year where we've posted a list of vendors and other details. all season long for market information. We just posted photos of all the products at today's market on our Farmers Market Facebook page. 


Grinnell Games, Iowa's Family Sports Festival, is ONE MONTH away from today! You have 3 days left to sign up for an event and receive a free technical shirt with entry. The T-shirt cut-off deadline is May 15, so don't delay. You may register at


Grinnell Games Highlights:


UV Splash 5K Run & Bike Event - After Dark!

Saturday, June 11 - 9:30 PM

We are bringing the UV Splash to Grinnell! The UV Splash is a family-friendly, untimed 5K, for all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. Start white (we provide the Tee), and at each kilometer add blue, sprinkle green, splash yellow, spray orange, and finish strong in pink. We'll kick things off with the bike riders and the runners will follow.


Warrior Run

Sunday, June 12 - 10:00 AM

Crawl through mud and climb over obstacles in this fierce running challenge.  Push your limits physically and mentally by competing in this ultimate race. The route is approximately 5K.


Half Marathon & 5K

Saturday, June 11 - 8:00 AM

Enjoy a "jewel" of a course touring the best of beautiful Grinnell, Iowa. The course is relatively flat and fast with a few rolling hills - looping through the historic downtown, around Grinnell College, through the Paul W. Ahrens Park, along the countryside and down Broad Street where old Victorians and trees line the road. 


Sand Volleyball

Saturday, June 11 - 1:00 PM

Get a group of your friends together for a sand volleyball tournament smack dab in the middle of downtown. We're hauling in the sand and setting up a volleyball court in the center of the Grinnell Games action for the afternoon.

05/12/2016 9:04 AM |Add a comment
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