Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Joining Forces


One of our roles here at the chamber of commerce is to make connections. We connect new businesses to community resources, small stores to big companies and newcomers to housing and job possibilities, as just a few examples. We use this newsletter as an avenue for connecting you, the general public, with all of the businesses and events happening in our community.

We also connect segments of our local businesses with each other, and one group that has really connected and banded together over this past year is our retailers. Retail anywhere is tough these days, especially in smaller communities without large populations of shoppers to support them.

Our local retailers have been meeting regularly and working together with the mentality that a rising tide lifts all boats. They are stronger together in many ways, and they haveteamed up to host Thrifty Thursdays as a way to promote each other this month. 

Each Thursday for the month of June, a group of our downtown retailers is offering bargains and featured sales/promotions at their stores and they are also staying open later than normal on Thursdays. See the list of participating retailers here. So when you get off of work on Thursdays this month, head downtown to enjoy some shopping, the farmers market and a meal at a local restaurant. 

06/16/2016 9:14 AM |Add a comment
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