Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

11 Ideas For Your Last Blast of Summer


There are only a couple weeks left of summer vacation, and chances are you have a lot left to squeeze in. Here are some ideas of things to do with the family before school starts up again!

1. Go for a final swim at the Grinnell Mutual Family Aquatic Center. August 23rd is the last day of the season!

2. Enjoy live music at Music in the Park on Thursdays through August 25.

3. Relax at the final Movie Under the Stars tomorrow night. 

4. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone from Dari Barn, McNally's or Candyland Station.

5. Go for a ride on the bike trail.

6. Challenge friends to a game of disc golf at Lake Nyanza.

7. Take in the scenery at Rock Creek State Park and Krumm Nature Preserve.


8. Stock up on fresh, locally grown tomatoes from the Grinnell Farmers Market.

9. Get in a round of golf at Grinnell College Golf Course or Oakland Acres Golf Club.

10. Take the kids to a story hour at Drake Community Library.

11. Start your back to school shopping right here in Grinnell!

How else do you like to soak up these last days of summer? Leave us a comment with your suggestions!


08/11/2016 5:03 PM |Add a comment
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