Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Make A Difference


Make a difference. Meet new people. Be part of community. Learn new skills. Volunteering has many benefits to volunteers as well as the organizations they serve. On this national week recognizing volunteers, we'd like to say a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to each of you who help our community organizations make a difference. 


It can be hard to find time to volunteer, but many organizations in our community depend on volunteer support to move their missions forward. Did you know the Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation and its partner organizations were served by over 500 individuals, including board members and volunteers who carry out their mission, in the last year alone? 


D​​​​​​​id you know the chamber's board of directors is all volunteer? We appreciate the time and talent they each bring to our organization. We also utilize volunteers at nearly every event we do! Friday Fest, Grinnell Games, Grinnell on the Fourth, Jingle Bell Holiday, are all made possible with the support of individuals just like you, even several of you. For that we are grateful. 


​​​​​​​Additionally our office (Louis Sullivan Jewel Box Bank) is kept open on weekends throughout the year because of the commitment from a core group of docents. If you're interested in architecture, greeting visitors or simply spending time in one of the most beautiful buildings in Grinnell, please contact our office. We're always looking for new folks to get involved. We'll even be holding a volunteer training (and update for existing volunteers!) on Saturday, May 20 at 9:00am. Respond to this email if you're interested in attending and learning more. 


Small communities are founded and driven on core values. Their citizens, their businesses and their volunteers work together to make things happen. If you already volunteer in some capacity, thank you. If you'd like to get more involved, please consider joining your fellow Grinnellians by volunteering and making a positive impact on our community. 

05/01/2017 3:45 PM |Add a comment
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