Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Let Freedom Ring


Next week we celebrate Independence Day, a national holiday to commemorate the day the United States laid down its claim to be a free and independent nation. While many of us will be gathering with friends and family enjoying parades and fireworks, I encourage you to think about what freedom means to you. 

Freedom likely means different things to each of us, but our freedom as a country has allowed us to grow, explore and imagine the impossible. Our founding fathers took important steps towards freedom 241 years ago, and as a result we have opportunities we would not have been afforded otherwise. Because of their commitment and vision for freedom, we are a diverse country, state and community. With diversity comes entrepreneurship and without freedom our community would not be what it is today. For well over two hundred years, people from all walks of life have been pursuing their 'American Dream' and are able to do this because of our freedom as a nation. 

Today we celebrate freedom as John Adams, the second president of the United States, had anticipated: "I am apt to believe this day will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other." 

Join us in Grinnell as we celebrate our freedom with the annual Fourth of July parade which will be begin at 5pm on the Fourth (find route information here). At dusk that evening, fireworks can be viewed from Ahrens Park. We'll wrap up the celebration on Friday, July 7 with Friday Fest on Main Street from 7-11pm featuring Grinnell's Nick Wallace and Whiplash. 

So as you enjoy your time with family and friends this weekend, please take a few moments to think about how our nation's freedom has impacted your life, our community, our state and our country. 

p.s. The State of Iowa legalized fireworks earlier this year, and while you can purchase fireworks at designated locations in Grinnell, please be aware they are not legal to shoot within city limits, pursuant to city code.

06/29/2017 4:50 PM |Add a comment
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