Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Planning Ahead


At our Annual Celebration last week we took the time to give attendees a quick project update regarding some of the Chamber's priorities for the coming year. While our work in large part will remain the same, and we'll continue our efforts to keep Grinnellians updated about things taking place in our community, we do have a number of initiatives we'll be working on as outlined in the strategic plan that was generated by the Chamber's Board of Directors at our planning session last fall.  

The board created three different committees: Community Growth, Business Development & Community Vitality, as they relate directly to our mission statement. Each of those committees has outlined various action items for the coming year which include: completing the childcare feasibility study to better understand potential opportunities. Our business development team will work to encourage the development of start-up and entrepreneurial businesses by creating and hosting an event to connect potential entrepreneurs with capital investors, plans to work with at least two businesses to identify and implement a succession plan, and hope to facilitate the addition of two more businesses as identified in the downtown plan. Our Community Vitality group will focus efforts on implementing a community-wide marketing campaign in an effort to attract more visitors to Grinnell, and will continue to develop and implement events that support business and increased usage of Central Park.

There's more on the agenda, but we imagine we'll have our hands pretty full with these action items for the time being. We're fortunate to have such a committed board of directors and membership, and know that by working together we can accomplish many of these exciting initiatives.

If you ever have questions about the work we're doing, please don't hesitate to contact me! 

--Rachael Kinnick

03/23/2018 11:03 AM |Add a comment
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