Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Christmas in July



We're only 152 days from Christmas - have you started your holiday shopping yet?! Just kidding, it's a little too early for even me to start thinking about the holiday -- I'm loving the summer weather way too much. As we look to plan fun, community-oriented events we've been approached by community members about planning something for the holidays in the newly renovated Central Park and that's where we need your help. Everyone seems to have their own visions for an event, but inevitably several want our organization to take the lead. While we're certainly happy to be involved and help facilitate and make connections, we want this to be a true community event, and we need your help to do it.  


So here's the call: if you've got ideas for a fun holiday event, and want to be involved in bringing something to fruition, please make plans to join us on Wednesday, August 8 at 5pm in Central Park. Planning events and activities takes time and we want to be sure we get started early enough to pull something together!  We'll meet there for inspiration and brainstorming, and begin compiling possibilities along with individuals or organizations who can help bring them to life. If you're able to attend, please let me know by responding to this email! 


Speaking of Christmas in July, if some of you are ready to start thinking about holiday shopping, would you please look local first? And be sure to check out the Handmade for the Holidays pop-up retail today and tomorrow at 219 West Street for some fun holiday gift ideas. 


Will we see you on August 8 to get into the holiday spirit? I hope so! 


p.s. We're in need of many hands to help bring the Fly Iowa event to life on August 18. Would you please consider volunteering your time that day? Email Clara at to sign up today! 

07/27/2018 8:44 AM |Add a comment
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