Keeping it Real
Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Keeping it Real


I was in a meeting yesterday where the speaker talked about 'being authentic and real', so I decided to keep it real with you today. I'm not feeling it. How's that for honesty? I've got a list a mile long of topics I want to write about, but I'm uninspired to choose any of them at the moment. This month has been so busy for our office, and we just wrapped up our summer calendar of events this past weekend. Now that events have concluded I'm excited to jump back into some of the programming efforts we've set aside for awhile, and start to re-group as we begin our planning efforts for next year. 


But before I do that, I'm going to take a long weekend and come back next Tuesday refreshed and ready to tackle the week. Anyone else need a 'mental health day' from time to time? They're so important -- make sure you're taking the best care of yourself so you can continue to conquer the world (and I'll work to practice what I preach ;)). 

--Rachael Kinnick


p.s. The Lions Club is hosting Ag Appreciation Day from 3-7pm at Central Park today. Come downtown and check it out and be sure to swing through the Farmers Market while you're here! 


p.p.s. If you've not taken the before-and-after school survey yet, would you take just a few minutes to do it? It's geared for parents with children ages 5-12 to give input towards the direction of a possible program and we'd greatly appreciate your help!

08/30/2018 4:07 PM |Add a comment
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