What's 1%?
Grinnell Chamber

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What's 1%?



Did you know the average small business invests about 1% of its revenues into advertising each year, with about half of that spent on traditional marketing and the other half spent in digital platforms? As marketing avenues continue to change it is important for businesses to change their approaches at the same time which is why the Grinnell Area Chamber of Commerce will again be hosting our Marketing Power Hour with the first event kicking off February 14. 


This quarterly event focuses on different marketing techniques and is intended for business owners, marketing directors or anyone with an interest in learning more about marketing options for their business or organization. This year's sessions will focus on a variety of topics including phone photo/videography, blogging and e-newsletters, social media updates, and how to get the best customer reviews. All sessions will be taught be an expert in the industry, and it is our goal that attendees leave the hour with a couple tips or tricks to improve their marketing strategy. 


The first session will focus on phone photo/videography and be taught by Drake University professor Chris Snider. Snider teaches courses in social media strategy, multimedia, digital media and web design. He has spent his career pushing for innovative and creative ways to tell and present stories and has previously worked with the Des Moines Register as editor of Juice magazine, and with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Baltimore Sun. 


All businesses and organizations are invited to attend. Sign-up today for this year's Marketing Power Hour series and click here to find more details on February's event. 

02/04/2019 1:58 PM |Add a comment
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