Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Volunteer of the Year


The volunteer of the year award recognizes someone or someones who have devoted significant time and efforts to community service initiatives. This year we recognize an individual who spearheaded a successful effort to gain community support while pulling in an incredible team of folks to help achieve the project. 

With a little less than nine weeks from start to finish (and more realistically about 6 weeks from the time approval was gained), this individual hit the ground running and immediately assumed a leadership role. She demonstrated incredible organization and collaborative leadership to pull all the pieces together. From a limited budget to an even more limited timeline, a vision was created and individuals from all walks of the community convened to assist in executing the vision. 

The group began meeting weekly with even more regular email check-ins to ensure the project would come together in time for the kick-off event. And thanks to this dedicated team, Central Park became a winter winterland for the holiday season, debuting in front of a full house during our annual Jingle Bell Holiday event. Community members and visitors alike found themselves wandering through the beautifully decorated space and made special trips to visit Central Park in the six weeks it was decorated. The excitement and fun photos generated from this project was unprecedented. 

And it didn’t stop there – the group helped organize Santa in the Shelter which was held every Saturday in December with community members and visitors making special trips downtown to partake in the events. Service organizations stepped up to help support and organize this well-received community event and provided hot chocolate, cookie decorating and a chance to warm by the fire. ​​​​​​​

And the great news? Efforts and planning have already commenced for this year’s holiday season! 

This group, led by their fearless leader, is to be commended for their amazing efforts to make Central Park and the 2018 Holiday Season one to remember.

Congratulations to Jennifer McAlexander and the Central Park Holiday Committee of Michelle Butler, Daniel Clements, Gailanne Dill, Jill Hollingsworth, Kevin McAlexander, Kerri Olson, Dodi & Dennis Reilly & Jim White, our 2019 Volunteers of the Year. 

03/28/2019 11:53 AM |Add a comment
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