Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Fiber: Do You Want It? 


Nearly two and a half years ago, the Chamber and City collaborated to convene focus group meetings to better understand and determine next steps for downtown. Throughout these meetings, a number of 'common themes' were articulated which resulted in this document , including having broadband/reliable internet available to businesses and residents in Grinnell. We have spent much time over the past two years better understanding this need, and meeting with various providers to determine possible solutions.  

The City and Chamber were recently approached by Mahaska Communications Group (MCG), a division of Musco Lighting in Oskaloosa, to explore the possibility of running fiber to the Grinnell community. After several initial conversations to further explore this option, they have launched a survey to better understand the community need for the service. Would you take a minute to answer this two-question survey to help MCG understand the level of community support behind this potential project? If the survey yields favorable results, we will work with the MCG team to develop a more defined timeline for running service to Grinnell, which would be likely to occur in the 2020 calendar year. 

We look forward to working with our community members to better understand this need in our community. We are also beginning to look at 'next steps' and have recently re-convened focus groups to identify future priorities for the community. If you're interested in being involved and giving feedback, please let me know so we can be sure you're included in these ongoing conversations. 

--Rachael Kinnick

04/04/2019 3:29 PM |Add a comment |Comments (8)
We had to get rid of Landline It Was slow and went out every time it rained. They would not replace the old Dry core cables. went to Media con. Not much better Goes out a LOT. So if the price is better and quality is as well. Very interested

Mike | 04/08/2019 11:18 PM
Given my job/technical knowledge you know where I stand on the fiber project! BRING IT ON!

Mathew Porter | 04/06/2019 12:30 PM
I'd love to see a more reliable internet/TV service alternative in Grinnell!

Len Eberhart | | 04/05/2019 10:39 PM
How about those of us in the country? 6 miles South on Hwy 146. The Gilman phone company offers fiber optic internet to their country customers.

Beth Hendricks | 04/05/2019 10:20 PM
I would love to have fiber internet and get off of my current people!

Jacob Freeman | | 04/05/2019 12:04 PM
We would love fiber optic internet! We have 4 kids who all have devices plus we do some of our work from home and running streaming for cable. Our internet gets bogged down and slow.

Melinda Chandler | 04/05/2019 7:22 AM
What will be the fee?

Bruce Blankenfeld | | 04/04/2019 7:52 PM
We would be interested in having fiber in our home and business.

Ramona Mitchell | | 04/04/2019 7:28 PM
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