Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Have We Improved?


Last week members of our team attended the Community Health Needs Assessment convened by Unity Point Health - Grinnell Regional Medical Center and Poweshiek County Public Health to learn more about healthcare progress that's been made in our community over the past three years, and identify additional areas of focus for the future. Five key goals and initiatives had been identified which include:

1. Improved mental health access to providers and services

2. Increase quality, availability, and effectiveness of health education for children and adults

3. Improve air and water quality to impact better health

4. Improve access to affordable and adequate healthcare

5. Promote healthy diet and exercise in the county


Throughout the session, we identified areas of progress and success over the past three years, while also discussing additional areas for opportunity and improvement. We want to help our partners at Public Health ensure a wide response from the community, so if you didn't attend the event would you please take a few minutes to respond to this quick survey? If you have a great idea of how these five areas could be positively impacted in our community, please let me know. We'd love to hear from you and pass it along! 

05/17/2019 12:02 PM |Add a comment
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