Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Who Wants Pie?



Join us for a slice of pie next Wednesday as we talk Census 2020! Did you realize 2020 is a Census year? Beginning April 1, we'll be encouraging you to complete your census invitation so we can ensure a complete count of Grinnell! In an effort to help share this information early and encourage residents and businesses to be prepared we are co-hosting, along with the Grinnell League of Women Voters and the Grinnell Complete Count Committee, a Census Forum next Wednesday, February 12 at Drake Community Library. Two forums will be held, each lasting approximately one hour, with the first beginning at 4PM and the other at 7PM. 


Census information will be shared by John Cook, a partnership specialist with the US Census Bureau, and will provide information on how a complete census count aids in long-term planning and sustainability for communities like Grinnell as well as Poweshiek County and the State of Iowa as a whole. We want everyone to be counted in this effort, including, but certainly not limited to, previously 'hard-to-count' demographics of ages birth to 5 years old and millennials. 


I nearly forgot one of the selling points -- PIE! As we look to get our piece of the 'Census Pie', we thought it only fitting to serve pie at the event. Pie slices will be available courtesy of the League of Women Voters. 


We hope to see many of you next Wednesday as we learn more about Census 2020 and how we can all be prepared to ensure Grinnell's Complete Count. 

--Rachael Kinnick 

02/06/2020 1:23 PM |Add a comment
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