Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Be Kind


It felt to me as though the days in March & April drug on forever, and yet here we are and it's May 21. For me it's hard to believe how quickly May has gone. All the while, our team is on week 10 of this work-from-home/school-from-home gig and are now starting to slowly think about the transition back to the office. There are many considerations as we do so; many of the same considerations that our businesses have been facing for the last several weeks, and some of them are still weighing the best option for them, their team and their business. 


Some of them have reopened, some of them are yet to reopen, some of them will encourage or mandate new policies such as mask wearing for employees and customers and some won't. As we continue to experience new highs and lows of this pandemic, I want to urge each of us to remember to be kind and give grace. 


While everyone is in the midst of the pandemic, we are all coping with it in different ways. The stress and stressors are different for each and every one of us, and they are very real. Restaurants and retailers are as stressed about how they accommodate a new normal as many of you are about going to these establishments. Some people want to wear facemasks while others don't. It's okay to not agree wholeheartedly about the 'right' way to reopen but please try to remember to give grace during this time. Give grace to the essential healthcare workers, to the cashier at the grocery store, to the facilities teams, to your children, to the restaurant worker who started their first shift back to a very new experience, to yourself, and everyone in between. 


Be patient, be positive and be kind. 

--Rachael Kinnick 

05/21/2020 3:49 PM |Add a comment
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