Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Giving to Grinnell

Post-Derecho. I cannot say enough amazing things about this community. Rallying together to help neighbors and strangers, supporting businesses in unique ways and now, finding additional ways to give back. 
Our office, along with our partners at Claude & Dolly Ahrens Foundation, Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation and Grinnell United Way, have been contacted multiple times over the past week and a half inquiring about ways to support disaster efforts. We quickly determined that many organizations and funds already exist to support a multitude of efforts that are likely to surface post-derecho and, as a result, have opted to direct folks to these funds already in existence. 
The initial funds identified include: Grinnell Food Coalition, Grinnell Small Business Relief Fund, Grinnell United Way, JPK Grinnell Area Mental Health Consortium, Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund, and the Poweshiek Housing Assistance Fund. Each of these funds or organizations are doing great work in the Grinnell community, and this is by no means an exhaustive list; however, we hope it will help reach the organizations and efforts that are most likely to be impacted post-derecho and/or have most flexibility within the organizations to get dollars to the highest need individuals and businesses. 
We know many of you have family and friends outside of the Grinnell community who are not able to physically be here and contribute volunteer hours, but still want to support our community. We hope you will take a look at these funds, and ask your family and friends outside of Grinnell to consider supporting them. 
--Rachael Kinnick 
p.s. To find more information about each of the aforementioned funds, and to read the press release in its entirety, please click here.
08/20/2020 4:23 PM |Add a comment
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