Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

It's Construction Season!

As we head into the spring construction season and many are beginning or completing work left from derecho damage, we're taking time to remind you of some best practices when selecting contractors. Thanks to chamber investor, Ramsey-Weeks, for their assistance in pulling this information together. Below are some tips and things to keep in mind if you're planning to have work done.
Contractors: Local contractors are the best choice because if you encounter any issues later, they are often easier to reach and can usually help remedy any problems or future fixes. Click HERE to see a list of our member contractors.
With the amount of work needing completed in our area, local isn't always an option. When seeking contractors outside of the area, talk with others and see who they recommend. Be sure to confirm the appropriate licenses and insurance of contracts. It's okay to ask for Certificates of Insurance.
Some contractors may ask for a deposit or down payment before services begin. We recommend never paying in full until the work has been completed. 
  • Click HERE to find state licensed HVAC and plumbing contractors.
  • Click HERE to find a list of registered* contractors in the state.
  • *Note, to be registered with the state as a contractor, individuals only need to submit that they have liability insurance on file with the State.
  • Click HERE to confirm if a contractor is a licensed electrician.
Get Estimates: You don't necessarily need to get multiple estimates though it can be helpful to have a couple options. Ask for detailed estimates to compare with your insurance estimate and how it's broken down. When you compare your contractor and your insurance estimates, you need to be able to match the items. Total for siding, total for gutters, etc. If the estimate is over what your insurance estimate is, then you have to show where and why your insurance is short.   It’s easier to just get a detailed estimate up front from your contractor, if possible.
  • Additional Damage. If while doing the repairs additional damage is found, take pictures! Contact your Agent with those photos. Depending on the damage found and the extent, the adjuster may sign-off on the repairs or may need to come re-inspect before repairs are completed. 
Other Concerns: The derecho and freezing weather down south along with the pandemic have had a major impact on the construction industry. As a result, construction materials have seen a spike in costs. Those costs may not be reflected in the estimates you received last year and you may need to be in conversation with your insurance adjuster if your estimates are more than originally quoted. 
Reach out to your insurance adjuster if you've got additional questions or need guidance as you move through this process. If you're looking for insurance or wanting to switch to a new agent, check out our list of member agents.
04/16/2021 2:59 PM |Add a comment
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