Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Be Like Brent 


Have you ever thought of the impact your dollars have when you shop locally? Really actually thought about it? Your dollars can be recirculated in a much more meaningful and impactful way when spent locally! 

Yesterday, my friend Brent shared his afternoon of shopping Grinnell on social media. Wow - what an impact he had on our community in just one afternoon! Showcasing stop after stop, and giving kudos to the amazing individuals he encountered in each location, his dollars are going to be recirculating in our community in the very near future. Heck, they probably already have! 

If you don't want to Be Like Brent, and showcase your shopping experience online, that's okay but please, please consider supporting our small, locally owned businesses however you can. The dollars you spend with them will recirculate far more quickly right here in our own community than if you choose to purchase online or outside the community. And I know - it may be 'easier' to shop online, but ask yourself this - does Jeff Bezos really need your support? Will he invest in our community when we need help with a community project or infrastructure, or will he come to the table when our local businesses need financial support? 

Please Be Like Brent, and shop Grinnell first this holiday season! It truly does make an impact!! 


12/16/2022 10:47 AM |Add a comment
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