Grinnell Chamber

Chamber Ambassador Visits

Weeds Aren't Welcoming


This week, Ambassadors did a little light beautification of downtown. Last week, our team had the opportunities to attend the Iowa Downtown Conference where we heard Iowa Economic Development Authority director Debi Durham say two things that really struck a chord:

1. Be a community of do-ers and dreamers

2. Weeds in your sidewalks are not welcoming to visitors

So in that spirit, we took an hour to walk up and down Broad and Main Streets pulling weeds. Turns out there was a bit more than we anticipated so we didn’t make it everywhere but the parts we did get to look so much better! There’s a lot of improvements that have happened around downtown and more coming and we don’t want those to be overshadowed by unkept sidewalks. We encourage everyone to take pride in what our community looks like. If you see a weed, and you’re able, pull a weed!


Pictured L-R: Fran Conn, Jennifer McAlexander - JM Consulting & Hawkeye Lock & Security, Donnette Ellis - Grinnell College Community Connections, Marissa Ylagan - Grinnell Chamber, Matt Moyer - Bayer Crop Science, Trent Arment - MCG - Mahaska Communication Group, Jeff Finch - Wes Finch Auto Plaza

Not Pictured: Kody Bigelow - Walmart Grinnell, Monica St. Angelo - Grinnell Area Arts Council

08/13/2024 3:33 PM |Add a comment
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